Full, Harvest Moon in Taurus today, ruled by Venus currently retrograde until mid November and conjunct Uranus, planet of surprise and innovation. Forming a grand fixed cross with Sun in Scorpio and the nodes of the moon in the fixed signs of Aquarius and Leo. That’s all four fixed signs squaring up to each other perfectly across the sky – in other words the pressure is on, tensions and emotions are running high and explosions are highly likely. The cosmos is asking us to dig deep and truly see the old patterns and behaviours that no longer serve us. Taurus holds on to these way past their sell by date in order to feel safe and Uranus, the great pattern disrupter says there’s no such thing let’s shake it up and see what emerges from the debris. The arena of this particular cosmic volcano will be primarily personal relationships, including our personal relationship with our mother, the Earth. Allow the tears to flow, our grief is also her grief she is calling for us to wake up and see the mass suicide mission we seem globally bent on pursuing….from polluting our waters, our air and our earth bodies. Our tears are purifying, they will wash our sad hearts clean and allow something new to awaken. Have faith in the miraculous nature of life, find stillness in the eye of the storm, lean into the eternal I for support and guidance and be gentle with all those you encounter their hearts are crying too….and this too shall pass…with so much full moon love for each of your precious hearts, go gently and know that it is safe to let go
Full Moon – General Election 2019
Full Moon in Gemini, mutable air sign ruled by Mercury planet of communication. An extraordinary day for a potentially extraordinary UK general election. When major events align with major planetary energies, I’m always curious to know if those who, in this instance set the election date, check the alignment of the stars. Certainly, in ancient […]