Wisdom that Works
We’re all blessed with inner guidance—intuition, gut feeling, a sixth sense. But sometimes we lose touch. We feel lost, confused, conflicted.
Work with me and consult the wisdom of natural cycles, the elements and energy within and in the world at large. That’s wisdom that works!
30+ years of shamanic experience focussed on your situation.

Lost? Troubled? Conflicted? Confused?
Facing a tough decision?
Struggling with a relationship?
Get perspective and clarity on how to move forwards.
Interrupt limiting beliefs and patterns
Let go of anxiety, depression and self sabotage
Rediscover your inner guidance
Move forwards with purpose and confidence.

Client Feedback
I just want to say how good it was to meet you yesterday. Thank you for your help and guidance, I slept very well last night and am feeling much better about everything.
I had a consultation 6 months ago. I just want to tell you how accurate it was! Literally everything you read happened. My relationship with my family has always been a struggle but your advice really helped.
You told me that if I followed your guidance my life would change completely. It has! I started my own ensemble, which you said was my soul purpose. I’ve worked on it all year and we had our first concert last Sunday.
Wisdom that Works is not to be missed. Davina brought inspiration, wisdom, insight and healing to empower me in both inner and outer worlds—and all with great sense of fun and healthy mischief. What more could you ask?
Davina is rightly known as a shaman’s shaman. She has that rare blend of real life as well as shamanic experience, and a deeply compassionate outlook. Seekers and practitioners alike count on her to deliver accurate, actionable results.
Guidance & tools for longer term goals.

Tired of taking one step forwards, two steps back?
Spiritual practice not cutting it?
Not sure of your foundations?
Feel like an invisible force is holding you back?
For most of us, bigger goals require longer term support. We take a step or two before we pull back or put things off. We’re designed that way. It keeps us safe.
Work with me to get out of your comfort zone—with the tools and guidance to stay on track.

The Dream Whisperer
Whatever we’re searching for – more money, better health or a new relationship – our dreams hold the key.
Without dreams the world would not be as it is. Did you know that Einstein’s theory of relativity, the Periodic Table, Elias Howe’s sewing machine and Paul McCartney’s Yesterday all came from dreams? Now it’s your turn to discover your dream genius!
Feng Shui Made Easy
Learn the simple yet powerful art of improving the energy of your home to create positive change in all areas of your life.
In this book, I explain how the design of our home and the objects we own have a direct and profound impact on every aspect ofour life. I show how you can make subtle changes to your living space to create significant shifts in your health, wealth and happiness.

Elemental Wisdom
As archetypes go, it doesn’t get any simpler than the Four Elements. Everyone knows the physical aspects of Air, Fire, Water and Earth—but they have much more to offer.
Air is the channel to the inspiration and guidance of the divine. Fire fans the flames of creativity and action. Dive into Water’s mysteries to find the flow of soulful living, and embrace the nurture and pragmatism of Earth.
Start the year with this fun and immersive alchemical primer at my sister project, Natural Wisdom Co.
Feng Shui Made Easy
This comprehensive online video course will introduce you to the wonderful, life-changing magic of feng shui, offering a breadth of knowledge, case studies, practical techniques and teachings, so that you can begin to make your home a sanctuary that loves and supports you.
You’ll learn how to improve the flow of healthy energy within your home, clear your clutter for good and feel empowered to express your authentic self.