
Tired of taking one step forwards, two steps back?
Spiritual practice not cutting it any more?
Not sure of your foundations?
Feel like an invisible force is holding you back?
For most of us, bigger goals require longer term support. We take a step or two before we pull back or put things off. We’re designed that way. It keeps us safe.
Work with me to get out of your comfort zone—with the tools and guidance to stay on track.
Align your goals and approach with your life purpose and soul mission for lasting success and fulfilment.
Start taking action straight away and review your progress week by week.
Sun, moon, planets and stars exert a powerful influence on your thoughts, feelings and decisions. Get the astral weather forecast for the journey ahead.
As a Gene Keys guide, I’ll use your profile to highlight the strengths and challenges you’ll face on your path. Transform adversity into opportunities for growth.
All sessions are 60 minutes live on zoom. Join using any device. You’ll receive the links when you book.
You’ll get audio and video recordings of each session, plus a full transcript. No need to take notes!
The journey of a thousand miles
starts with a single step.
What clients are saying
I just want to say how good it was to meet yesterday. Thank you for your help and guidance, I slept very well last night and am feeling much better about everything.
I had a reading about 6 months ago. I just want to tell you how accurate it was! Literally everything you sensed and read happened. My relationship with my family has always been a struggle but your advice really and truly helped. Thank you so much.
Wisdom that Works is not to be missed. Davina brings inspiration, insight and healing. All that and more helped empower me in my life, creating balance in my inner and outer worlds. What more could you ask from a shaman?
You said if I followed your guidance my life would change completely. It has! I mentioned starting my own ensemble and you confirmed it was my soul purpose. I’ve worked on it all year and we have our first concert this Sunday.