The Gift of Our Dark Side As the Earth beneath our feet slumbers and the nights are still long we have time to reflect on what is showing up in our lives. Not all of which may be to our liking. Yet it is these tricky energies that offer the greatest gold. How do we […]
Wise Harvest
Wise Harvest – New moon in Virgo New moon in Virgo, the sixth house of service and community, ruled by the planet Mercury manifesting in this sign as intellectual discrimination arriving this autumn equinox; the mid point of perfect balance between day and night. Teaching us to consider our wise harvest. Take time to reflect in […]
Gateways of the Mind 2014 Opener
I’m delighted to be opening Gateways of the Mind 2014, latest in an impressive lineup of events making deep exploration into consciousness. I’ll be discussing why the exploration of consciousness is not only interesting, but utterly vital to our survival as a species. It’s time to wake up, and see the plan of the plants for […]
Peru Pilgrimage November 2014
I’m feeling very blessed having spent the weekend dancing under the stars in a glade beside a river. Peru was a strong presence throughout the weekend. Many who took part were talking excitedly about recent or planned trips to Peru-the jungle, the mountains or both. Deep connection to Nature, the source of our life […]
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